Mystical Monday #9 🔮​

January 9, 2023

Pick a card

Which card is calling out to you?

Hover over the card, the message is at the back.

Prosperity has come! :) This week, you can expect to prosper! To reap the abundance, you sow. Not only do you get to enjoy financial abundance, but you’ll enjoy it with people you love. The guidance from the Universe is gratitude. Be thankful for what is good now. :) You attract more of what you are grateful for.
A choice to expand your life awaits. You’ll be invited to think and plan for your future this week. There’s an option that would propel you forward. A new adventure lies ahead. The guidance from the Universe is to take hold of what you know is yours. You can have everything, but our attention and focus can only be on one thing at a time. Which will you choose?
A cycle is ending this week, leading you to a new season in your life. Expect changes for the better. You're invited to surrender to the present moment. Simply be Here, Now. :) The guidance from the Universe is to ground yourself here. You are exactly where you need to be. This moment is just right. See the gift in the present moment; it is right in front of you. Look even closer than what you can see with your eyes.
Let the message be guidance, encouragement or things to shine light on this week!