Mystical Monday #8 🔮​

January 2, 2023

Pick a card

Which card is calling out to you?

Hover over the card, the message is at the back.

Happy 2023!! Tread thoughtfully this week. The guidance from the Universe is to follow your intuition, inspiration and gut feeling to navigate the path forward. Don’t just rely on what you see this week. There are essential details that can’t be seen but can only be felt and sensed. Ask the Universe for signs and guidance. The Universe and your soul is in constant communication with you.
Happy 2023!! Everything will be smooth sailing this week. What a great way to kickstart the year! The Universe encourages you to leverage life's smooth current and take bold actions. This is the week to take more risk, especially if it's a decision that you are making to find balance in an area or a situation. Trust that it will pay off well, for it will.
Happy 2023!! There's magic happening this week! Believe in magic, they can't be seen, but it's everywhere. This week's guidance from the Universe is to go within yourself and tap into the wisdom of your soul. Ancient knowledge and secrets lie deep within your soul, waiting for you to uncover them. Believe you already have all the answers you seek. Spend time connecting with your soul through journalling/free-writing/music or a book that calls out to you this week.
Let the message be guidance, encouragement or things to shine light on this week!