Mystical Monday #7 🔮​

December 26, 2022

Pick a card

Which card is calling out to you?

Hover over the card, the message is at the back.

The path to take this week is discovering your truth. This is the week to make changes in areas that don't align with your authentic self or your values. The Universe's encouragement: Fear and anxiety may arise when you decide to own your truth. But know that these anxieties prevent you from seeing what's in front of you, including the beauty. Have the courage to be yourself, see beyond worries, and discover what life can be when you step into your authentic self.
The path to take this week is to seek solitude, more alone time in quiet serenity. In quietude, you can seek and uncover what’s important to you. You will be able to connect with your higher and wiser self in stillness. The Universe encourages you to go within and connect with your intuition and the divinity within you. The answers are already within you; clear your mind, and tune into your heart. There you will find peace and wisdom.
The path to take this week: it is perfect timing to begin what you have been planning. Whether it's a project or a course, or a commitment. Blessings are abounding, you will succeed, for you are the blessing. The Universe's encouragement to you is that everything is balancing itself out. What used to feel imbalanced will rebalance as you begin your dreams! You will find balance when you stay true to yourself, your values and your integrity. Use your logic and remain objective always.
Let the message be guidance, encouragement or things to shine light on this week!