Mystical Monday #5 🔮​

December 12, 2022

Pick a card

Which card is calling out to you?

Hover over the card, the message is at the back.

Justice and truth are in your favour this week. Fairness to you and to others involved. This week’s guidance is to focus on renewal and revitalising. Whatever you choose to begin again will turn out better and stronger than ever! Tune into your heart to know what to renew.
Communication is key this week. There's a message you need to decipher and deliver. You will be learning new insights and sharing ideas with others. This week's guidance is to channel your curiosity to listen and discover the bigger message. The message is absent in words, but it's right there. Look beyond the seeable. See with your heart and through the lens of compassion (for yourself and others).

You will receive something exciting this week that is coming to you fast. The guidance for this week is to pace yourself. Be a little more cautious not to make impulsive decisions or react impulsively to protect yourself from making any hasty or emotional move. Even for exciting news! Your heart and gut know the best for you; connect with them for guidance.
Let the message be guidance, encouragement or things to shine light on this week!