Which card is calling out to you?
Hover over the card, the message is at the back.
Your Soul Invites You to Sense and Feel Deeply into:
If there’s something you have been wanting to explore or try, this is the week. Let the mystery unfold, and the adventure begins! A quest into the unknown is a great way to remind ourselves we are alive, for it wakes all our (6) senses up to help us navigate and comprehend the unknownness.
Trust in life and in yourself.
Your Soul Invites You to Sense and Feel Deeply into:
Engage in things that make you feel connected to yourself and another (people, things, nature, places, etc). Go where or do what makes you feel at one and aligned with the Universe. Express what is within through writing, music, dressing etc.
Be the reflection of what you love.
Your Soul Invites You to Sense and Feel Deeply into:
Keep love simple. Love simply because that’s what you feel towards it (people, things, topics, etc). Without expecting anything but an experience of loving something you feel deeply for. And to discover your own capacity to love.
Dare to love wholeheartedly, even if there's nothing in return.
Your Soul Invites You to Sense and Feel Deeply into:
Use the magic of communication to discover and understand another person’s world (mind, heart and soul). Soulful conversations form a sacred bridge connecting two souls whose paths have crossed.