Mystical Monday #11 🔮​

January 23, 2023

Pick a card

Which card is calling out to you?

Hover over the card, the message is at the back.

The theme you chose is transformation. You will experience a significant shift in perspective and identity as you transform. On your journey, the Universe wants you to know that support and help are all around you. Ask, and it will be given. The Universe’s guidance is to employ all your senses as you transform. Connect more profoundly and intimately with yourself and those around you for a whole and profound transformation.
The theme you chose is speed. Life is moving you towards your goals and dreams at a fast pace. There’s a connection with travelling too. You are on a journey to find your flow and rhythm to pace yourself so as not to burn out. It will help with mental clarity to better judge where to allocate your energy and time. The Universe’s guidance is you can count on ‘oneness’ as your navigation guide to discover your magic power and your place in this Universe. When you experience oneness, you unlock clues to your purpose in life.
The theme you chose is divine ideas. Take note of your inspirations, they are clues. You're on a journey to capture these divine insights. However, they are found in the gaps of space and time, such as peaceful moments like cloud watching, seeing the spaces between things. The Universe’s guidance is to utilise your power compassionately. There are powerful effects for every action you take with your ideas. Action is a power you possess. Action changes everything. It makes things happen, exists or disappear.
Let the message be guidance, encouragement or things to shine light on this week!