Daily Discovery ✨

Question for Today:

Are you moving forward?

Life travels at a forward momentum.
Earth Orbit

"Why let go of yesterday? Because yesterday has already let go of you." ―Steve Maraboli

Life flows forward. It is clear and obvious when we are tackling a problem or a difficult time, moving forward is always the best solution to any situation. We find ourselves looking for and attempting ways to move through the challenge we are in.

But sometimes, we forget that life is moving forward when all is well. When life is all rainbows and sunshine, we wish time to stay still or even when it's over, we get stuck to the past by holding on to those good times. It can be in the form of comparing the present to the past, in a way that the present can never match the glory of the past, and never feeling content with where we are right Here and Now.

How to know if we are moving forward in life or stuck in the past? Our body and gut will alert us. When we notice ourselves feeling off, unhappy, stuck or behind in any way, these feelings could indicate we are not flowing forward.

What momentum are you building right now? Is it a forward momentum?

Looking around us, we can see the forward momentum in everything. How our day transits into the night because Earth keeps orbiting. Time moves forward. Almost everything in Nature that has no human mind moves forward steadily.

Our minds are mighty. Not only can it dream and envision our futures, but we can remember yesterdays and yesteryears, its triumph, glories and hurts. We need to be mindful not to let the power of our minds be turned against us.

Find our natural flow forward. Use our minds to expand and guide us forward, not hold us back or keep us stuck in the past. Our minds are our cosmic portal to the past, present and future. Let it brings us to experience life forward and expand our consciousness.

Love & Light,
Victoria 🌻