Mystical Monday #43 🔮​

September 4, 2023

Pick a card

Which card is calling out to you?

Hover over the card, the message is at the back.

Your Magic Mirror shows:

You are moving forward at a fast speed, in a direction led by your instincts.

In which direction are you headed?

Your Magic Mirror shows:

Rest, stasis, stillness, solitude.

Something unknown wants to be known. It is located somewhere where you can only enter through stillness or solitude.

Your Magic Mirror shows:

Imparting lessons or projecting beliefs you have learned or from your past.

What are you imparting or projecting unto others, something of your past?

Your Magic Mirror shows:

You are planning and envisioning a future that is solid and long-lasting. It is a collaboration with people, and each in their zone of genius.

What are you planning and envisioning?

Let the message be guidance, encouragement or things to shine light on this week!