Which card is calling out to you?
Hover over the card, the message is at the back.
You are being called to look honestly at your life this week and become conscious of who you are. So you can make choices that truly align with yourself.
Your Question(s) for the Week:
Are you making choices that align with who you are (inside out)?
Guiding Quote:
“True change happens when you align your heart,
your truths, and your energy.
―Elizabeth Hamilton-Guarin.
Wishes are being fulfilled this week! You are getting what you desire and the pleasures that comes with it.
Your Question(s) for the Week:
What are the dreams you wish come true and through for you this week?
Guiding Quote:
“The surest way to make your dreams come true is to live them.”
―Roy T. Bennett.
A deeper relationship or partnership is forging this week. Two people/things coming together from a place of love. It could be love or a union of matter and magic!
Your Question(s) for the Week:
What union do you wish it to be?
Guiding Quote:
“You are an alchemist;
make gold of that.”
—William Shakespeare.
Everything in moderation creates a well-balanced and healthy life. All is well and in harmony.
Your Question(s) for the Week:
What are you learning to do in moderation?
What are the two opposites you are balancing?
Guiding Quote:
“Be moderate in order to taste the joys of life in abundance.”