Which card is calling out to you?
Hover over the card, the message is at the back.
We tend to hoard our resources because of the unpredictability of the future. However, this week, there’s a likelihood your abundance mindset will be challenged.
The Universe’s guidance for you is to take a moment to pause and breathe whenever you feel the feeling lack. Stillness clears the fog for you to see clearer. Know that you can only give what you have. The fact that you can give means you have it.
Victory is expected this week! Whether it’s small or big wins, it is still a success! Celebrate all your wins. You will succeed, so dare to go for your dreams this week. Embark on your journey with the confidence of succeeding.
The Universe's guidance for realising your success is to look at everything through the lens of optimism this week. Look up and look bright!
Follow the path true to you, even if you are the only one. There will be support everywhere when you walk your path of truth.
This week, the Universe’s guidance for you is to plan and take the path meant for you. It will be a path where the fruits can last generations. If you are faced with a decision to choose between your dreams and something else this week, know that your dreams will come true if you go for it, and it has longevity, it won’t be short lived.