Mystical Monday #6 🔮​

December 19, 2022

Pick a card

Which card is calling out to you?

Hover over the card, the message is at the back.

This week is more about receiving and attracting rather than taking action. You must learn to accept with grace to fully receive. If you are given a compliment, don’t deflect it, graciously say thank you :) and let yourself fully receive it. Your added guidance is to slow down to realise the gifts you are receiving because not all gifts are presented in tangible ways. Some are intangible, like ideas and compliments and feeling love.
You may be facing a few options this week. All opportunities present something different from the other. The guidance for you is to choose the option that rejuvenates and awakens you. It may be towards a spiritual awakening or just feeling more authentically you! Choose the one that aligns with your heart, and the Universe will take care of everything else. Surrender to the present moment. All is well.
There is a feeling of abundance coming your way this week. You will feel secure, abundant and connected to all around you. What a beautiful week! You will be sharing with others from a place of generosity. It could be money, love or what you feel you have in abundance. The guidance for you is to share from a place of pure heart and thoughts. Share your love and light that only you can!
Let the message be guidance, encouragement or things to shine light on this week!