Mystical Monday #4 🔮​

December 5, 2022

Pick a card

Which card is calling out to you?

Hover over the card, the message is at the back.

A situation is balancing itself out this week, and the truth prevails. The guidance for this week is silence. You can hear the truth or what you need to hear in silence. It is also a reminder to be mindful when we speak this week! Our word is our magic wand. What we verbalise, we actualise in reality.
The Universe is letting you in on a secret knowledge this week. The guidance in finding the secret is for you to see through. To look beyond the surface, the tangible and see into the invisible. Which are the meanings, the intentions, the love, and the energy around you this week. Therein lies the secrets of the Universe.
You will be celebrating something this week! Something you have been working on is coming to fruition and completion this week, awaiting you to claim and acknowledge its success. Even small wins are wins! Celebrate them. The guidance is knowing how to use and enjoy your resources but being savvy. Use and spend within your means. Share your vision/ideas, but it's also wise not to overshare anything that may put you in a compromising position.
Let the message be guidance, encouragement or things to shine light on this week!