Mystical Monday #3 🔮​

November 28, 2022

Pick a card

Which card is calling out to you?

Hover over the card, the message is at the back.

Excellent and exciting news or adventure is coming your way this week! However, this opportunity can be easily looked over. This week's guidance is to go within yourself and tap into your intuition to feel it or to use your wisdom to look through the surface to find this treasure. It would be a treasure that would engage your curiosity and playfulness.
You are entering a new cycle of transformation this week. Action is what is needed from you to begin this new transformation. This transformation is headed towards a desire within you. The guidance this week is to go forth with your action. This is not the week to hold back. You have the power of fire to transmute this week. You have the strength and protection to handle life’s complexity.
You may feel deeply for something this week that may stir a wave of emotions. Acknowledge your feelings and thoughts by sharing them with someone / yourself. By saying aloud or writing it out, you release them out of you. This week requires you to rise to your higher self. The guidance is to orientate yourself in the direction of love. Choose love; from the words you say and the decisions you make. Your future self will be proud of you.
Let the message be guidance, encouragement or things to shine light on this week!