Mystical Monday #2 🔮​

November 21, 2022

Pick a card

Which card is calling out to you?

Hover over the card, the message is at the back.

See through the surface this week and dive deeper. Tune into your intuition as there’s a message from your heart. You have secret wisdom and knowledge within you waiting for you to uncover and shine light on your own truth. You need to trust in yourself. Trust in the Universe and trust that you are divinely guided if you allow yourself to be.
It’s a transformative week for you. You are encouraged to step into your power and embrace your own individuality while doing so. Don’t be afraid to be yourself and show the best version of yourself to others. Playing small does not serves anyone. You will gain more confidence as you learn how to present your best self forward, and by doing so, you are bringing your dream self into the Here and Now. 

You are healing something from the past that has been blocking you. Your healing journey is divinely guided. You will feel a renewed sense of hope and lightness this week. The stars are shining their light on you. Immerse yourself in nature, be with it and stroll in it, it brings oneness, inner calm and divine healing to your health, body, mind, soul and spirit.
Let the message be guidance, encouragement or things to shine light on this week!