Mystical Monday #1 🔮​

November 21, 2022

Pick a card

Which card is calling out to you?

Hover over the card, the message is at the back.

You are in flow towards success and new doors are opening for you this week! An insight and vision is coming to you, Especially in the area where you have expertise in and this door involves a possible collaboration that is stable and long-term. 

 Let go of the shore, and trust in the current of the river of your life. You are well equip with the skills you have acquired through your life for this ride. You are connected to trusted people and resources that aligns with you. Go for it and flow with it. 

New horizon is coming for you fast this week. A change in your everyday routine is coming, and is headed in the direction of your passion. Success is ensured. 

Change needs adapting and require you to find your new rhythm and it may feel overwhelming. But rest assured that you are safe and protected on this new adventure. Follow your heart and passion. Where do you feel called to go?
Opportunities are everywhere if you take a moment to be present and still. It is in the present moment and present action that shapes your future, making your dream come true. If you feel lost, confused or stagnant this week, tune into intuition for guidance on the next step to take. 

One step at a time. You don’t have to see the whole staircase just yet, you just need to navigate your next step and the way will slowly reveal itself.
Be present, become clear on what your next step should be, and do it this week!
Let the message be guidance, encouragement or things to shine light on this week!